
July 2022-march 2023

Building opportunities for resilience in the moyale cluster through quality and informative conflict and climate assessment-cross-border community resilience (CBCR) activity.

august 2021-December 2021

Research and preparation of disaster management and coordination plan.

august 2021-september 2021

perception survey understanding the intentions of displacement communities on resettlement to Luglow, Jubaland.

april 2021-june 2021

Market assessment and identification of high demanded enterprises/business and marketable vocational skills for the project: gender equality and women empowerment program (GEWEP) in Kabul Afghanistan.

february 2021-may 2021

Baseline study for all NCA thematic areas: climate resilient wash (CRWASH), peace building, gender based violence (GBV), climate smart economic empowerment (CSEE) and education.

November 2020-december 2021


october 2020-december 2020

Provision of an electronic document and record management system (EDERMS)

november 2016-february 2017

End term evaluation of Dadaab Health Integrated project phase IV, Garissa County, Kenya

november 2016-january 2017

End term evaluation of natural resources management programme.